목록분류 전체보기 (235)
https://arunaddagatla.medium.com/maximum-likelihood-estimation-in-logistic-regression-f86ff1627b67 Maximum Likelihood Estimation in Logistic Regression The Maximum Likelihood Estimation (MLE) is a method of estimating the parameters of a logistic regression model. arunaddagatla.medium.com
Example Kalin Rubin Theorem 참고 https://mediaspace.baylor.edu/media/Example.+Karlin-Rubin+Theorem+for+Test+of+Poisson+Rate/1_r2a2cvt7/193100023 Example. Karlin-Rubin Theorem for Test of Poisson Rate Illustrate the Karlin-Rubin Theorem and monotone likelihood ratio for an upper-tailed test on the rate of a Poisson. mediaspace.baylor.edu http://www.math.nsysu.edu.tw/entrance/graduate/exam/doctor/20..
1차 update(2023.03.04)
1차 update(2023.03.01) Likelihood Ratio Tests https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat415/book/export/html/847 Lesson 27: Likelihood Ratio Tests The title of this page is a little risky, as there are few simple examples when it comes to likelihood ratio testing! But, we'll work to make the example as simple as possible, namely by assuming again, unrealistically, that we know the population variance onlin..
1차 update(2023.02.23) MSE https://towardsdatascience.com/understanding-the-3-most-common-loss-functions-for-machine-learning-regression-23e0ef3e14d3 Understanding the 3 most common loss functions for Machine Learning Regression A loss function in Machine Learning is a measure of how accurately your ML model is able to predict the expected outcome i.e the ground… towardsdatascience.com