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#Motivation : small sample로 population parameter를 추정하고 싶다 - bootstrap 2. Consider patch data in “patch.csv” file. The data contains measurements of a certain hormone in the bloodstream of eight subjects after wearing a medical patch. The parameter of interest is θ= (E(new)−E(old)) / (E(old) − E(placebo)) If |θ| ≤ 0.20, this indicates bioequivalence of the old and new patches. The statistic is Y ..
1. Generate 100 observations from a N (0, 1) distribution. Compute the empirical CDF F. Plot the true CDF and the empirical CDF. #F par(mfrow = c(1,2)) x
참고 : https://math.libretexts.org/Courses/Mount_Royal_University/MATH_2200%3A_Calculus_for_Scientists_II/2%3A_Techniques_of_Integration/2.5%3A_Numerical_Integration_-_Midpoint%2C_Trapezoid%2C_Simpson's_rule 2.5: Numerical Integration - Midpoint, Trapezoid, Simpson's rule math.libretexts.org
참고 : permutation test https://www.jwilber.me/permutationtest/ Permutation Test: Visual Explanation You've finally achieved your lifelong dream: you're an alpaca shepherd. And like any alpaca shepherd will tell you, your foremost concern is the wool quality of your herd.*this may or may not be true Word on the street in Cusco is that a popular new shampo www.jwilber.me