목록Reference (45)
https://online.stat.psu.edu/stat510/lesson/1/1.1 1.1 Overview of Time Series Characteristics | STAT 510 Enroll today at Penn State World Campus to earn an accredited degree or certificate in Statistics. online.stat.psu.edu
https://gregorygundersen.com/blog/2019/11/21/fisher-information/#reformulation-for-iid-settings The Fisher Information The goal of this post is to enumerate and derive several key properties of the Fisher information, which quantifies how much information a random variable carries about its unknown generative parameters. Let X=(X1,…,XN)X = (X_1, \dots, X_N)X=(X1,…,X gregorygundersen.com
https://ai.googleblog.com/2023/06/announcing-first-machine-unlearning.html Announcing the first Machine Unlearning Challenge Posted by Fabian Pedregosa and Eleni Triantafillou, Research Scientists, Google Deep learning has recently driven tremendous progress in a wide array of applications, ranging from realistic image generation and impressive retrieval systems to language mode ai.googleblog.com
https://stats.stackexchange.com/questions/199280/why-do-we-need-sigma-algebras-to-define-probability-spaces Why do we need sigma-algebras to define probability spaces? We have a random experiment with different outcomes forming the sample space $\Omega,$ on which we look with interest at certain patterns, called events $\mathscr{F}.$ Sigma-algebras (or sigma-fiel... stats.stackexchange.com
model https://www.statlect.com/glossary/statistical-model Statistical model | Definition, examples, types Statistical model by Marco Taboga, PhD A statistical model is a set of assumptions about the probability distribution that generated some observed data. Examples We provide here some examples of statistical models. Example In the previous example, the rand www.statlect.com linear regression ..
https://gregorygundersen.com/blog/2019/11/28/asymptotic-normality-mle/ Asymptotic Normality of Maximum Likelihood Estimators Given a statistical model Pθ\mathbb{P}_{\theta}Pθ and a random variable X∼Pθ0X \sim \mathbb{P}_{\theta_0}X∼Pθ0 where θ0\theta_0θ0 are the true generative parameters, maximum likelihood estimation (MLE) finds a point estimate θ^N\hat{ gregorygundersen.com
https://medium.com/intuitionmath/what-is-column-space-with-a-machine-learning-example-8f8a8d4ec6c What is column space? (with a Machine Learning example) When people say vector space, column space, subspace, etc., what do they mean by “SPACE”? medium.com calculs만으로 회귀분석을 바라봤겠지만 선형대수학을 통해 우리는 geomtric관점으로 직관적으로 이해할 수 있었다. 선형대수학이 행렬을 통해 다차워의 변수들을 다루는것도 장점이지만 더 중요하게 생각하는 것은 바로 그림으로 이해할 수 있게하는 것 whe..