목록전체 글 (235)
Chapter 7 : Observational studies - Propensity Score Weighting
Applied/Causal Inference
2024. 5. 9. 19:53
Chapter 6 : Observational Studies - Propensity Score Methods
Applied/Causal Inference
2024. 5. 9. 19:53
Introduction to Causal Inference
https://www.bradyneal.com/causal-inference-course Introduction to Causal InferenceIntroduction to Causal Inference. A free online course on causal inference from a machine learning perspective.www.bradyneal.com
2024. 4. 25. 17:41
Metropolis-Hasting & Gibbs sampling
https://gregorygundersen.com/blog/2020/02/23/gibbs-sampling/ Gibbs Sampling Is a Special Case of Metropolis–Hastings I avoided learning about Gibbs sampling for a long time. Practically, it is straightforward to implement without understanding the theory, and I assumed that learning about it would be yet another hill to climb. I found that, in fact, understanding Gibbs s gregorygundersen.com htt..
2024. 4. 21. 01:21
Chapter 4 - 2 : Observational study (Outcome regression)
Applied/Causal Inference
2024. 4. 13. 23:03