#11 North Carolina State University 본문
1. Application process
TOEFL : The Graduate School sets the minimum acceptable scores, but most successful applicants to our programs have a score of at least 20 on each section of the TOEFL.
GRE : Remark: GRE scores from the general and subject tests are not required for admission to the Statistics Graduate Programs including both master and PhD programs.
Application Process
NCSU Department of Statistics
2. 수학
Program Prerequisites
Students are expected to have a good foundation in the material covered in the core courses (ST 701, 702, 703, 704 and 705), even if their master’s degree was received at another institution. Some students with previous master’s degrees find it useful to take these courses at NC State. However, this tends to lengthen the time to degree. Students are also expected to have had a course comparable to MA 425 (Mathematical Analysis I).
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